Palliative Care Formulary
Canadian Edition
ISBN: 9780955254741
Robert Twycross
Andrew Wilcock
Mervyn Dean
Bruce Kennedy

This specific Canadian edition of the Palliative Care Formulary is now available exclusively through the Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association (CHPCA).
It contains the most up-to-date, comprehensive information on medications used in hospice and palliative care, including off-label use, pharmacokinetic data and dose recommendations.
$79 plus S&H
Special offer for members of CHPCA
$69 plus S&H
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What People Say
Since its first edition in 1998, PCF has established itself as one of the essential books for any healthcare professional involved in palliative care... PCF [is] a core text for the specialty and has no serious rivals.
Palliative Medicine
The information is up to date and prepared with extreme care. This handbook should be available to staff involved with inpatient consultation, inpatient units of care, and home visits.
Journal of Pain and Symptom Management
First class. Highly recommended.
International Association for Hospice and Palliative Care
A colossal work of research, this formulary informs novice doctors, pharmacists and nurses who care for those end-of-life illnesses, but is also a practical guide for the excellent pharmaceutical resource...
Journal of Palliative Care
Sample Chapters
Download Prelims
pdf ~ 359kb
Download Chapter 1
pdf ~ 510kb
Download Chapter 19
pdf ~ 113kb