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PCF5+ 2016 PDF now available!

15th November 2016

We are pleased to announce that the September 2016 PDF version of the Palliative Care Formulary (PCF5+ 2016) is now available to purchase from our store and that we have been able to keep the cost at £25.

PCF5+ 2016 contains all the updates made to the on-line PCF over the last 12 months and reflects the content of the on-line PCF as of the 1 September 2016. It therefore supersedes both the printed version of PCF5 and the PCF5 September 2014 and 2015 PDF.

To purchase a licensed copy, and help support, please go to our store. For enquiries regarding multiple copies please contact

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IPC5 now available!

14th June 2016

We are pleased to announce that IPC5 is now available to purchase from our store for £25 (including p&p in the UK).

IPC5 has moved from a single authorship to a collaborative project between editorial team and eight new contributors. Updates include:

  • covering the Association for Palliative Medicine of Great Britain and Ireland recommended curriculum for medical undergraduates
  • expanded sections on ethics, law, children, symptom management
  • the Essential Palliative Care Formulary, and a synoptic table of drug doses for common symptoms.

IPC5 has already received the following high praise:

We all need one book that we know, thumb often, trust and refer to. This palliative care book fills all these roles for staff at every grade. End of life care is everyone’s business; if used to the full, this book can and will improve patient care in all settings.’ Professor Ilora Baroness Finlay of Llandaff

This new collaborative edition is the best of the best. Its clear, concise, balance of theory and application is admirable and is replete with practical wisdom. This is required reading for anyone serious about caring for the dying well, for it is long enough to be useful and short enough to be digestible.’ Professor Rob George, President of the Association for Palliative Medicine

The holistic and multimodal approach of this book, which builds on the total pain model of Dame Cicely Saunders, is particularly to be commended.’ Professor Irene Higginson, Director of the Cicely Saunders Institute of Palliative Care, Policy & Rehabilitation, King’s College London

This book is not just a symptom control handbook, it covers all aspects of holistic care in an easy to read and navigable format. It will become an old friend - get to know it!Dr Fiona Rawlinson, Programme Director, Palliative Care Education, Cardiff University.

To purchase a licensed copy, and help support, please go to our store. For enquiries regarding multiple copies please contact

IPC5 available soon

17th May 2016

Introducing Palliative Care (IPC) is a well-established introductory text for palliative care. This fifth edition (IPC5) has moved from a single authorship to a collaborative project between editorial team and eight new contributors. Updates include:

  • covering the Association for Palliative Medicine of Great Britain and Ireland recommended curriculum for medical undergraduates
  • expanded sections on ethics, law, children, symptom management
  • the Essential Palliative Care Formulary, and a synoptic table of drug doses for common symptoms.

We are pleased to announce that IPC5 is anticipated to be available mid June 2016 from for £25 (including p&p in the UK) and has already received the following high praise:

‘We all need one book that we know, thumb often, trust and refer to. This palliative care book fills all these roles for staff at every grade. End of life care is everyone’s business; if used to the full, this book can and will improve patient care in all settings.’ Professor Ilora Baroness Finlay of Llandaff

‘This new collaborative edition is the best of the best. Its clear, concise, balance of theory and application is admirable and is replete with practical wisdom. This is required reading for anyone serious about caring for the dying well, for it is long enough to be useful and short enough to be digestible.’ Professor Rob George, President of the Association for Palliative Medicine

‘The holistic and multimodal approach of this book, which builds on the total pain model of Dame Cicely Saunders, is particularly to be commended.’ Professor Irene Higginson, Director of the Cicely Saunders Institute of Palliative Care, Policy & Rehabilitation, King’s College London

‘This book is not just a symptom control handbook, it covers all aspects of holistic care in an easy to read and navigable format. It will become an old friend - get to know it!’ Dr Fiona Rawlinson, Programme Director, Palliative Care Education, Cardiff University

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PCF5+ 2015 pdf now available!

28th October 2015

We are pleased to announce that the September 2015 pdf version of the Palliative Care Formulary (PCF5+ 2015) is now available to purchase from our store and that we have been able to keep the cost at £25.

PCF5+ 2015 contains all the updates made to the on-line PCF over the last 12 months and reflects the content of the on-line PCF as of the 1 September 2015. It therefore supersedes both the printed version of PCF5 and the PCF5 September 2014 pdf.

To purchase a licensed copy, and help support, please go to our store. For enquiries regarding multiple copies please contact

PCF4+ 2013 PDF version now half price!

1st August 2014

The PCF4+ 2013 PDF version of the Palliative Care Formulary is now available for a special half price offer of £15 via our website store. Note remaining stock of PCF4 print edition is still also available for half price at £25 via our website store. This is in line with our press release of 9 January 2014.

We anticipate that the PCF5 print and PDF editions will be available in autumn 2014.

Apart from updated monographs, PCF5 will also contain additional selected information from Symptom Management in Advanced Cancer; this will be discontinued in 2014 after existing stock has been sold.

We would like to thank our members for their support, particularly to those who have subscribed to the website. By way of thanks:

  • the price of PCF5 print edition will be unchanged at £50 (including p&p in the UK), although bigger and thus more costly to produce and post
  • the cost of the PCF5 PDF will be reduced to £25.

The online formulary will still be continually updated, providing the most up to date version of the Palliative Care Formulary and will shortly be designated PCF5 content and will include the selected information from Symptom Management in Advanced Cancer mentioned above. If more members subscribe in 2014, we will review the cost of subscription to see if this can be reduced in 2015.

We hope that the above information will help guide decisions on your purchases in 2014.

If you require bulk purchases of any format please contact to discuss your requirements.

PCF4 print edition now half price!

5th March 2014

In line with our press release of 9 January 2014, the cost of PCF4 print edition has now been reduced to half price, i.e. £25 and can be purchased from our store. We also plan to reduce the PCF4+ 2013 PDF version to £15 from the 1st August 2014.

We anticipate that the PCF5 print and PDF editions will be available in autumn 2014.

Apart from updated monographs, PCF5 will also contain additional selected information from Symptom Management in Advanced Cancer; this will be discontinued in 2014 after existing stock has been sold.

We would like to thank our members for their support, particularly to those who have subscribed to the website. By way of thanks:

  • the price of PCF5 print edition will be unchanged at £50 (including p&p in theUK), although bigger and thus more costly to produce and post
  • the cost of the PCF5 PDF will be reduced to £25.

The online formulary will still be continually updated, providing the most up to date version of the Palliative Care Formulary and from June 2014 will be designated PCF5 content and will include the selected information from Symptom Management in Advanced Cancer mentioned above. If more members subscribe in 2014, we will review the cost of subscription to see if this can be reduced in 2015.

We hope that the above information will help guide decisions on your purchases in 2014.

If you require bulk purchases of any format please contact to discuss your requirements.

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News about publications in 2014

9th January 2014

We anticipate that the PCF5 print and PDF editions will be available in autumn 2014. 

Apart from updated monographs, PCF5 will also contain additional selected information from Symptom Management in Advanced Cancer; this will be discontinued in 2014 after existing stock has been sold. 

We would like to thank our members for their support over 2013, particularly to those who have subscribed to the website. By way of thanks:

  • the price of PCF5 print edition will be unchanged at £50 (including p&p in theUK), although bigger and thus more costly to produce and post
  • the cost of the PCF5 PDF will be reduced to £25. 

In anticipation of these updated editions, we will also be discounting PCF4 print edition from 1st March 2014 to half price (£25) and, from 1st August 2014, the PCF4+ 2013 PDF to £15. 

The online formulary will still be continually updated, providing the most up to date version of the Palliative Care Formulary. If more members subscribe in 2014, we will review the cost of subscription to see if this can be reduced in 2015. 

We hope that the above information will help guide decisions on your purchases in 2014. 

If you require bulk purchases of any format please contact to discuss your requirements.

Strong Opioids and the Relief of Cancer Pain

17th December 2013

We are proud to announce the publication of a new booklet Strong Opioids and the Relief of Cancer Pain: Information for patients, families and friends published by the editorial team of the Palliative Care Formulary. Based on the booklet Oral Morphine and the Relief of Cancer Pain: Information for patients, families and friends by Dr Robert Twycross and Dr Sylvia Lack (Beaconsfield publishers 1987), it has been fully revised to include all strong opioids. 

Written in question and answer form, Strong Opioids and the Relief of Cancer Pain deals with the many concerns which patients, and their family and friends, may have when a strong opioid is first prescribed. It is not meant to be read straight through from beginning to end; it is more for dipping into. Easy to understand language is used throughout which has been approved by the Plain English Campaign and carries the prestigious Crystal Mark for clarity. Some example questions answered include:

  • Will I become addicted?
  • How soon will I become pain-free?
  • What should I do if I forget to take a dose?
  • What can I do if the pain comes back between regular doses?
  • What about unwanted effects with skin patches?
  • Do strong opioids have many unwanted effects?
  • What is 'spinal' morphine? 

It is available via our store priced £5.99 including p&p, (discounts available for purchases of 10 or more) or from amazon.

Strong Opioid Identification Booklet now available!

7th November 2013 Ltd. have produced a Strong Opioid Identification Booklet. This new resource is designed to be used in two ways:

• as a quick reference guide for the range of strong opioids and their formulations and doses available in the UK. Palliative Care Formulary (PCF) encourages safe and rational prescribing which extends to considering size, shape and taste of tablets and solutions, and avoiding doses which force patients to take more tablets, and/or open more containers than necessary. We hope this resource helps health professionals to address these issues

• to aid the identification of strong opioid formulations available in the UK. Where available and appropriate, photographic images of branded products are included. These are not to scale but can be used by health professionals in consultations with patients to help establish or confirm which drug is being used, along with the dose or particular brand.

The booklet is only available to UK health institutions and is provided free of charge as a service to medicine by Qdem Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

Booklets will be distributed free of charge on a first-come, first-served basis and are subject to availability. Generally, they will be shipped within 7-10 days of an order being placed. Each order is limited to a maximum of 5 booklets.

To order your free copy, login and click on the link on our home page. The booklet is being distributed by an external company. Please note, when given the choice please select the ‘order without registering’ option.

PCF4+ 2013 PDF now available, special launch price of £24.99

8th October 2013

The September 2013 e-book PDF version of the Palliative Care Formulary (PCF4+) is now available to purchase at the special launch price of £24.99 until the end of 2013 (usual price £29.99).

PCF4+ 2013 contains over 50 sections and monographs which have been updated since the publication of the PCF4 book in 2011 (ISBN 978-01-9552547-5-8) and is thus denoted PCF4+.

We anticipate publishing a PDF version annually, with the fifth edition of the book (PCF5) in 2014. 

To purchase a licensed copy, and help support, please go to the e-book section of our store.

click here to view

Free access to the on-line Palliative Care Formulary in Scotland

9th April 2013

From April 2013, NHS Education for Scotland has subscribed to the on-line Palliative Care Formulary (PCF4+). The content is continually updated and represents the most current version. It is hosted on the Palliative Care Portal of the Knowledge Network website:
It is available free of charge to those with an NHS Education Scotland ATHENS username and password.

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Palliative Care Formulary (4e) now available

7th September 2011

The long-awaited fourth edition of our flagship publication Palliative Care Formulary (PCF) has been totally revised and updated by an expert editorial team. Along with meticulous revisions to each chapter, the UK PCF4 includes brand new content covering the latest developments in palliative care, including:

  • two completely new chapters; Drug Treatment in the Imminently Dying and Pre-emptive Prescribing in the Community
  • 16 new drug monographs, including two sections on anti-epileptic medications and one on Transmucosal Fentanyl, a subject in which there is currently much confusion
  • six new ‘mini-monographs’
  • three more Quick Practice Guides.

In all, PCF4 is almost 200 pages longer than the previous edition, equating to 30% more information.

The PCF4 is exclusively available through our website. 

Purchases of the book help to support the work of

PCF is a comprehensive compendium containing a wealth of essential therapeutic information about drugs used in palliative and hospice care. With cumulative global sales of over 100,000 and the third edition highly commended in the British Medical Association book competition, PCF is the established resource in its field and receives worldwide acclaim. 

PCF is unparalleled in the range and depth of information it includes. It is an essential resource also for general practitioners, oncologists and other specialists who care for patients with advanced cancer or other progressive end-stage diseases. 

PCF provides the most authoritative and thorough guide to off-label indications or routes for drugs used in palliative care, and deals comprehensively with giving multiple drugs by continuous subcutaneous infusion.  

‘PCF [is] a core text for the specialty and has no serious rivals.’ Palliative Medicine 

‘The information is up to date and prepared with extreme care. This handbook should be available to staff involved with inpatient consultation, inpatient units of care, and home visits.’ Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 

‘First class. Highly recommended.’ International Association for Hospice and Palliative Care

click here to view announce the release of the Palliative Care Formulary Canadian edition.

11th August 2010

Palliative Care Formulary Canadian Edition is proud to announce the release of the Canadian edition of their highly acclaimed Palliative Care Formulary, now available exclusively through the Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association.

Since gaining recognition as a medical field in the 1970s, palliative care has expanded rapidly and will maintain growth as the Canadian population ages. The new Palliative Care Formulary, Canadian Edition will make a significant contribution toward the provision of high quality palliative care. Its 617 pages contain the most up-to-date, comprehensive information on medications used in hospice and palliative care, including dosage recommendations, pharmacokinetic data and off-label usage. Revised and updated from the UK third edition and the associated website,, the Canadian Edition has been adapted to meet the specific requirements of the Canadian marketplace. Already established as a standard text, over 40,000 copies of the UK and USA editions of the Palliative Care Formulary have been sold worldwide.

For over 10 years, has been serving palliative care professionals as a source of free information on medicine and care. With over 13,000 members worldwide (2,000 in North America), also offers its 5,000 monthly visitors a community of experienced professionals who answer queries and discuss issues on its bulletin board.

The new Canadian Edition is exclusively distributed by the Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association,, through their marketplace at CHPCA members are eligible for a discount on the Canadian Edition.

The editorial board of Palliative Care Formulary, Canadian Edition ISBN 9780955254741:

Dr. Robert Twycross, one of the founders of modern palliative medicine, has pioneered the field since the 1970s. He has taught in 50 countries, served as the Head of the WHO’s Collaborating Centre for Palliative Care, the Academic Director for the Oxford International Centre for Palliative Care, and was the Macmillan Clinical Reader in Palliative Medicine at Oxford University. Dr. Twycross has received numerous lifetime achievement awards from organizations across the world, and written nearly 300 articles, chapters, editorials and books.

Dr. Andrew Wilcock has been active in the field of palliative care since 1991, and is the Macmillan Clinical Reader in Palliative Medicine and Medical Oncology at Nottingham University and Consultant Physician at the Hayward House Macmillan Specialist Palliative Care Unit at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust. In 2000 he co-founded the website, with Dr. Twycross.

Dr. Mervyn Dean has over ten years of experience in palliative care medicine. Educated in Britain, he has lived and worked in Canada since 2000, and is currently the Medical Director of Palliative Care at Western Memorial Hospital, Newfoundland.

Bruce Kennedy, BSc (Pharm) is a Clinical Pharmacist specializing in Palliative Care at Fraser Health, where he provides education and support to doctors, nurses and other healthcare personnel dealing palliative issues. He has lived and worked in British Columbia for over 30 years.

For review copies, feature information or interview contact details, please contact Joe Kreuser at

To order copies of the Palliative Care Formulary, Canadian Edition ISBN 9780955254741 in North America, go directly to

For orders from all other countries please e-mail

Click to download press release (PDF)

Expert knowledge in palliative care on the world wide web:

12th November 2009

The Web site is a marvelous resource. It is so good that I found it a bit difficult to write this review. I would rather keep exploring the material than stop to write the review.

Since about 6 weeks ago when I first registered and logged in, I have learned something every time I have visited the site. The Web site, a “dot-com,” explodes many of my past prejudices in favor of “dot-gov,” “dot-org,” and “dotedu” (in no particular order) as the repositories of reliable, objective information on the World Wide Web (www), with the “dot-coms” lagging behind severely. This is a notable and superb exception.

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