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Strong Opioids and the Relief of Cancer Pain

17th December 2013

We are proud to announce the publication of a new booklet Strong Opioids and the Relief of Cancer Pain: Information for patients, families and friends published by the editorial team of the Palliative Care Formulary. Based on the booklet Oral Morphine and the Relief of Cancer Pain: Information for patients, families and friends by Dr Robert Twycross and Dr Sylvia Lack (Beaconsfield publishers 1987), it has been fully revised to include all strong opioids. 

Written in question and answer form, Strong Opioids and the Relief of Cancer Pain deals with the many concerns which patients, and their family and friends, may have when a strong opioid is first prescribed. It is not meant to be read straight through from beginning to end; it is more for dipping into. Easy to understand language is used throughout which has been approved by the Plain English Campaign and carries the prestigious Crystal Mark for clarity. Some example questions answered include:

  • Will I become addicted?
  • How soon will I become pain-free?
  • What should I do if I forget to take a dose?
  • What can I do if the pain comes back between regular doses?
  • What about unwanted effects with skin patches?
  • Do strong opioids have many unwanted effects?
  • What is 'spinal' morphine? 

It is available via our store priced £5.99 including p&p, (discounts available for purchases of 10 or more) or from amazon.