PCF5+ 2015 pdf now available!
28th October 2015
We are pleased to announce that the September 2015 pdf version of the Palliative Care Formulary (PCF5+ 2015) is now available to purchase from our store and that we have been able to keep the cost at £25.
PCF5+ 2015 contains all the updates made to the on-line PCF over the last 12 months and reflects the content of the on-line PCF as of the 1 September 2015. It therefore supersedes both the printed version of PCF5 and the PCF5 September 2014 pdf.
To purchase a licensed copy, and help support palliativedrugs.com, please go to our store. For enquiries regarding multiple copies please contact hq@palliativedrugs.com
Previous press releases
- PCF5+ 2016 PDF now available!
- IPC5 now available!
- IPC5 available soon
- PCF5+ 2015 pdf now available!
- PCF4+ 2013 PDF version now half price!
- PCF4 print edition now half price!
- News about palliativedrugs.com publications in 2014
- Strong Opioids and the Relief of Cancer Pain
- Strong Opioid Identification Booklet now available!
- PCF4+ 2013 PDF now available, special launch price of £24.99