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MHRA warns against Butterbur herbal remedies

26th January 2012

The UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has warned people not to take Butterbur (Petasites hybridus) herbal remedies due to the risk of hepatic toxicity. Products containing butterbur are being marketed in the UK, most commonly for the treatment of migraine and hayfever. However, none of these are licensed under the Traditional Herbal Registration Scheme.

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FDA approve generic morphine sulphate m/r capsules

19th January 2012

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have approved a generic morphine sulphate m/r capsule (equivalent to Kadian®). Morphine sulfate ER (Watson Laboratories, Corona, California) is available as 20mg, 30mg, 50mg, 60mg, 80mg and 100mg extended release capsules.

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Discontinuation of granisetron (Kytril) infusion 1mg/mL

19th January 2012

Roche has discontinued granisetron (Kytril®) infusion 1mg/mL (1mL and 3mL ampoules), with immediate effect in the UK, due to low demand. A generic granisetron 1mg/mL solution for infusion or injection (1mL and 3mL ampoules) remains available from Hameln Pharmaceuticals.

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SMC accepts fentanyl single dose nasal spray

17th January 2012

The Scottish Medicines Consortium (SMC) has accepted fentanyl single dose nasal spray (Instanyl®, Nycomed) for use within NHS Scotland for the management of breakthrough pain in adults already receiving maintenance opioid therapy for chronic cancer pain.  Its use is restricted to patients who are unsuitable for other short-acting oral opioids (e.g. oral morphine) as an alternative to other buccal and sublingual fentanyl preparations. 

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Crush resistant formulation of oxymorphone approved in US

17th January 2012

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have approved a crush resistant formulation of oxymorphone which is aimed at reducing abuse potential. The company (Endo Pharmaceuticals, Chadds Ford, Pennsylvannia, USA) plans to retain the name Opana ER and replace the 7 dosage strengths of the current formulation of Opana ER with the new crush resistant product during 2012.

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NICE end of life care commissioning guide

12th January 2012

NICE has published a guide for commissioners of end-of-life care services. The guide aims to support local implementation of the Department of Health (2008) End of Life Care Strategy and the NICE (2011) Quality Standard for end of life care for adults, and is aligned with the NHS Outcomes Framework and supports commissioning for Quality, Innovation, Productivity and Prevention (QIPP).

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AWMSG approve tapentadol m/r for restricted use

12th January 2012

The All Wales Medicines Strategy Group (AWMSG) has recommended tapentadol modified release (m/r) (Palexia® SR, Grunenthal, Buckinghamshire) as an option, within NHS Wales, for restricted use for patients with severe chronic pain in whom morphine sulphate m/r has failed to provide adequate pain control or is not tolerated.

The Group does not recommend tapentadol m/r for the management of severe chronic pain in adults, which can be adequately managed only with opioid analgesics, outside of the subpopulation described above.

The Group also recommends that tapentadol m/r should initially be prescribed by a specialist.

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