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NICE guideline on managing medicines in care homes

31st March 2014

The UK National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has published guidelines on managing medicines in care homes (SC1).

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New buprenorphine patch launched in UK

31st March 2014

A new brand of buprenorphine transdermal patch (Hapoctasin; Actavis) has been launched in the UK. The patches are authorized for moderate to severe chronic cancer pain and severe pain unresponsive to non-opioid analgesics in adults. The patches are available as 35, 52.5 and 70micrograms/h for 72h (i.e. changed every 3 days).

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Die Ausgabe 01/2014 des APM-Newsletter ist erschienen

25th March 2014

Issue 01/2014 of the APM Newsletter for German-speaking users of is available.

Die Ausgabe 01/2014 des APM-Newsletter ist erschienen. Über die aktuelle Ausgaben des Newsletters wird Sie das Bulletin Board informieren.

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Tramadol to be a Schedule 3 CD and temazepam exemptions to be removed

14th March 2014

The UK government has decided that tramadol will become a Schedule 3 controlled drug (CD) later this year, but will have exemption from the safe custody requirement. It also plans to remove the prescription writing exemptions for temazepam to be in-line with other schedule 3 CDs, subject to further advice from the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs. This follows a consultation between July and October 2013 (see our news item 30 July 2013).

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PCF4 print version now only £25!

4th March 2014

The print version of the Palliative Care Formulary 4th edition (PCF4) is now available for a special half price offer of £25 via our website store. 

Please note that it is anticipated that PCF5 print edition, will be available in Autumn 2014. The online formulary will still be continually updated, providing the most up to date version of the Palliative Care Formulary. For further details of publication plans during 2014 see our news article (9 January 2014).

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