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Lacri-Lube eye ointment recalled

30th September 2015

UK MHRA has recalled specific batches of Lacri-Lube eye ointment 3.5g and 5g (Allergen Ltd), following a small number of reports of black particles in some of the tube nozzles. Due to the large number of batches recalled, it is anticipated that there will be a shortage of this product, with supply unlikely to return to normal until early 2016. For further information and full details of the batches affected see below.

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Update on the prescribing and dispensing of pregabalin for neuropathic pain

30th September 2015

A High Court judgement on 10 September 2015 ruled against Pfizer in its patent infringement case for Lyrica (see our news item 10 March 2015). However, the judgement is subject to appeal and thus the Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee has stated that the prescribing and dispensing guidance for pregabalin in neuropathic pain issued by NHS England, in response to a court ruling, is still to be followed (see NHS England prescribing guidance). 

Note: as previously stated, gabapentin is an alternative first-line option for neuropathic pain (see our Gabapentin and pregabalin monograph). Generic gabapentin capsules, authorized for peripheral neuropathic pain, are as effective as, and significantly cheaper than, the Lyrica brand of pregabalin.

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Disipal brand of orphenadrine tablets discontinued

17th September 2015

Astellas is discontinuing orphenadrine hydrochloride (Disipal) tablets 50mg from 1 December 2015 because of manufacturing issues. Stock can be ordered until 30 November 2015. Generic orphenadrine 50mg tablets are available, however they are currently significantly more expensive, i.e.

Orphenadrine (generic)
Tablets 50mg, 28 days @ 50mg t.d.s.=£67.
Oral solution 50mg/5mL, 28 days @ 50mg t.d.s.=£20.

Biorphen® (Alliance)
Oral solution (sugar-free) 25mg/5mL, 28 days @ 50mg t.d.s.=£36.

Disipal® (Astellas)
Tablets 50mg, 28 days @ 50mg t.d.s.=£3. 

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Cochrane review: venlafaxine for neuropathic pain in adults

17th September 2015

This new review has been published in full on-line (CD011091).

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PPIs and subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus

15th September 2015

The UK MHRA has highlighted that Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs) are associated with a very low risk of subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus (SCLE) in the latest Drug Safety Update.

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Magnesium aspartate dihydrate approved by NHS Wales for hypomagnesaemia

11th September 2015

The new magnesium powder sachet for oral solution (Magnaspartate sachets; Kora Healthcare, Ireland, see our news item 15th April 2015) has been approved by NHS Wales as an option for the prevention and treatment of magnesium deficiency in children from two years, adolescents and adults.

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Capsaicin patch indications updated

11th September 2015

Capsaicin 179mg cutaneous patches (Qutenza; Astellas) are now also authorized in the UK for the treatment of diabetic peripheral neuropathy, in addition to non-diabetic peripheral neuropathy.

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PCF5 - Highly commended by BMA

9th September 2015

We are delighted to announce that the Palliative Care Formulary 5th edition (PCF5), has been highly commended in the 2015 British Medical Association, Medical Book Awards in the category of medicine. We are proud of this achievement and thank all our contributing editors for their hard work.

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PCF5+ 2015 pdf available soon!

9th September 2015

PCF5+ 2015 pdf version is anticipated to be available in October 2015. This annual version of the Palliative Care Formulary will contain the updates made to the on-line PCF over the last 12 months, and will reflect the content of the website as of 1st September 2015.

We are pleased to announce that we will be able to keep the cost of this version at £25.

The on-line formulary will still be continually updated, providing the most up to date version of the Palliative Care Formulary.  The more members subscribe, the more we can reduce the cost of subscription.

We would like to thank you for your support over the last 12 months. Please note if you require bulk purchases of the pdf format please contact to discuss your requirements.

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Motor Neurone Disease: NICE guideline consultation

9th September 2015

NICE have published a draft guideline for consultation for motor neurone disease (closing 13 October 2015), The guideline covers the assessment and management of motor neurone disease, including managing symptoms of coughing, breathlessness, the use of drugs to treat muscle cramps and stiffness.

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