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Cochrane review: hydromorphone for neuropathic pain

28th July 2016

The previous Cochrane review on hydromorphone for acute and chronic pain has been updated and divided into more specific sub-sets. The authors have concluded that there is insufficient evidence to support or refute the suggestion that hydromorphone has any efficacy in any neuropathic pain condition (CD011604).

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Glycopyrronium oral solution authorized for severe drooling in the UK

28th July 2016

European Medicines Agency has authorized a glycopyrronium 320microgram/mL oral solution (Sialanar; Proveca) for the treatment of severe drooling in children >3 years and adolescents with neurological conditions. The committee for medicinal products for human use, had previously issued a negative opinion for wider use in patients with mild-moderate drooling, however following re-application, authorization has been granted for severe drooling.

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Management of chronic pain in adult cancer survivors

27th July 2016

The American society of clinical oncology has published guidelines on the management of chronic pain in survivors of adult cancer.

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RPS guide for pharmacists working in care homes

27th July 2016

The UK Royal Pharmaceutical Society has developed guidance for pharmacists working in care homes.

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FDA authorizes dronabinol oral solution

26th July 2016

A dronabinol oral solution (Syndros; Insys Therapeutics) has been authorized in the US for treating anorexia associated with weight loss in patients with AIDS, and nausea and vomiting associated with cancer chemotherapy in patients who have failed to respond adequately to conventional anti-emetic treatments. It is currently awaiting scheduling by the US Drug Enforcement Administration.

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CQC annual report: safer management of controlled drugs

26th July 2016

The UK Care Quality Commission (CQC) has published their 2015 annual report on the safer management of controlled drugs. They make recommendations for controlled drugs accountable officers (CDAOs) and local authority public health and adult social care directors with regards to information collection and sharing in controlled drug local intelligence networks (CD LINs).

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Citalopram suspected drug interaction with cocaine

26th July 2016

MHRA has reminded prescribers to consider illicit drug use and the risk of drug interactions when prescribing. This follows a suspected fatal drug interaction between citalopram and cocaine.

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Thalidomide new risks

26th July 2016

A letter has been sent to UK healthcare professionals about the risks of viral reactivation and pulmonary hypertension associated with thalidomide.

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Nasogastric tube misplacement: continuing risk of death and severe harm

26th July 2016

A stage two-resources patient safety alert (NHS/PSA/RE/2016/006) has been issued to Trust boards to help support implementation of the previous alerts on this issue (see our news item December 2013). This follows 95 incidents reported between September 2011 and March 2016, where fluids or medication were introduced into the respiratory tract or pleura, despite three patient safety alerts issued on this subject during this time. A review highlighted problems with the organisational processes for implementing these previous alerts, therefore this resource alert is directed at trust boards (or their equivalent) and the processes that support clinical governance, not front-line staff.

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Improving the quality of care in the last days of life: A practical guide to getting the medications right

21st July 2016

This new document has been produced by NHS London clinical networks.

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Cochrane review: oral morphine for cancer pain

20th July 2016

The third updated version of this Cochrane review (CD003868) has been published. No new studies have been identified for inclusion in this update and the conclusions remain unchanged, i.e. oral morphine in either immediate-release or modified-release form remains the analgesic of choice for moderate or severe cancer pain.

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Recognition of sepsis: NICE guideline published

20th July 2016

NICE have published guidance (NG51) for the recognition, diagnosis and early management of sepsis in all areas.

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Choice in end of life care: government response

20th July 2016

UK Department of Health has published a response to the independent review on choice in end of life care (February 2015). The government has made 6 commitments to the public to end variation in end of life care across the health system by 2020:

  • honest discussions between care professionals and dying people
  • dying people making informed choices about their care
  • personalised care plans for all
  • the discussion of personalised care plans with care professionals
  • the involvement of family and carers in dying people’s care
  • a main contact so dying people and their families know who to contact at any time.

Independent end of life care report (February 2015)

Government response to end of life care report



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NICE end of life care for infants, children and young people

5th July 2016

NICE has published draft guidance for consultation on end of life care for infants, children and young people. The deadline for consultation responses is 12 August 2016.

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