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Choice in end of life care report

26th February 2015

An independent report ‘Review of Choice in End of Life Care’, which provides advice to the Government has been published.

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Patient Safety Alert for fluid/food thickening powder

12th February 2015

NHS England has issued a patient safety alert (NHS/PSA/W/2015/002) warning of the risk of death from asphyxiation by accidental ingestion of fluid/food dry thickening powder.

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Ketamine supply update

12th February 2015

There have been ongoing manufacturer supply problems with all strengths of ketamine injection (Ketalar; Pfizer) since November 2012 in the UK. Some units have been using imported products of varying strengths, presentation and type (see our news item 6th June 2014). We can report that ketamine injection 50mg/mL (10mL vial) is now available via Pfizer. It is manufactured by Pfizer in Turkey, but is identical in content to the UK product and approved by the UK MHRA. It is presented in an amber vial with a yellow flip cap and red stopper (UK product was a clear vial and a grey cap and stopper).

Pfizer anticipate that the 10mg/mL (20mL vials) and 100mg/mL (10mL vials) will be available March 2015. For further details contact Pfizer customer services (01304 616161). 

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