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Special order ketamine capsules available in UK

28th March 2016

Ketamine oral capsules are now available as an unauthorized product for special order. They are available as 10mg and 40mg and  in a pack of 100 at a cost of £189 and £199 (+vat) from the NHS Oxford pharmacy store (01865 455909).

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New fentanyl transdermal patient controlled system available in UK

24th March 2016

A new fentanyl transdermal system (IONSYS) authorized for the treatment of moderate−severe post-operative pain in adults is now available in the UK (hospital use only). The patient controlled transdermal system has an electronic controller, a drug unit and a patient activation button. Upon pressing the activation button, 40microgram of fentanyl is delivered to the patient over a 10minute period. The unit contains 80 doses and allows a maximum of 6 doses/h (240microgram/h). It is authorized for short term use for 72h.

Editor’s note: An IONSYS product has previously been available in the UK but was suspended in 2008 due to a defect in the delivery system (see our news items on 30 September and  25 November 2008).

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Desmopressin Patient Safety Alert

16th March 2016

NHS England has issued a patient safety alert warning (NHS/PSA/W/2016/001) on the risk of severe harm or death when desmopressin is omitted or delayed in patients with diabetes insipidus. They have identified a lack of awareness of the critical nature of desmopressin when being used for the treatment of cranial diabetes, in particular for the nasal spray, amongst medical, pharmacy and nursing staff and poor availability of the medication within inpatient clinical areas. Organisations are required to act immediately to ensure all staff are aware of this warning and action plans are put in place to reduce the risk.

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USA guidelines for prescribing opioids for chronic pain

15th March 2016

The USA Centres for Disease Control and prevention (CDC) has updated a 2014 systematic review to provide 12 recommendations for prescribing opioids, in primary care, for chronic pain outside of active cancer treatment, palliative or end of life care.

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Metoclopramide 5mg/mL injection (Maxolon) batch recall

2nd March 2016

The following batches of Maxolon 5mg/mL, 2mL ampoules (metoclopramide; AMco) have been recalled due to a printing error on the outer carton regarding IV administration:

Batch number J001 (expiry April 2020)

Batch number J003 (expiry October 2020).

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Hyperkalaemia with spironolactone and renin-angiotensin system drugs

2nd March 2016

The latest Drug Safety Update from the MHRA highlights the risk of potentially fatal hyperkalaemia with the concomitant use of spironolactone and angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEi) or angiotensin receptor blockers (ARB). This follows a recent increase in the number of incidents reported from using these combinations. Health professionals are reminded that concomitant use of spironolactone and ACEi or ARBs is not routinely recommended. If concomitant use is essential, the lowest effective doses should be used and regular monitoring of serum electrolytes is also essential.

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NICE motor neurone disease guidelines published

2nd March 2016

NICE guideline (NG42) Motor neurone disease: assessment and management is now available. This updated version replaces NICE guideline CG105(July 2010).

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NICE guidance on transition from children to adult services

2nd March 2016

NICE guideline (NG43) Transition from children's to adults' services for young people using health or social care services, is now available.

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